Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Presentation or A Party?

It's Carnival in Brazil, it's Show time !Image by = xAv = () via Flickr

I'm four days away from speaking at the I Blog Conference.

I'll be talking about being a part of a community. I'll share about working with the Chamber, Tourism Board, Historical Society and the Questers. I'll put my presentation up on slideshare.net when I'm done.

All of that is great, but is that kind of "I talk you listen" presentation really representative of being a part of a community?

Not in my world.

I'll be talking for sure, but I'll be asking a lot of questions too. Which means I'll be listening. I'm looking at the websites of attendees now and thinking about how they belong to a community. I'm reviewing the speakers sites (and we've got some great speakers too!) and seeing the various ways they reach out to their communities.

In the end, it's all about how we share love. If you hold it close to your vest, like a good hand of cards, you'll only be surrounded by a little love. If you reach out to your community and spread the love - oh imagine the circle you've just built for yourself!

I'll be talking about community, creating ideas for others, and building a new community. That's the kind of presentation I want to hear!

There are still openings for attendees. Visit www.iblogconference.com and/or email Jody Halsted at jody at iblogconference dot com.

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