Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Are You Talking About What Your Customers Want To Hear?

She Speaks did a survey on how we are shopping during this economic downturn.  Here are some interesting results
  • Many of you are more uncertain (52%) and more stressed (42%) because of the economy, but many of you are also more grateful (29%) for what you have.
  • Overall, you are spending less on jewelry (68%), dining out (60%) and travel (58%), but more on groceries (73%), make up and beauty (58%), gifts (53%) and chocolate (52%)!
  • Sixty-eight percent of you consider yourselves thrifty and over half of you use paper coupons (57%) and online coupon codes (52%) to save money during the recession.
  • Price is the top driver of your purchases of household products (59%), food (58%) and clothing (51%), but brand reigns supreme when shopping for personal/beauty products (34%) and cars (31%).
Let's just consider these results - put them in context of your network marketing business.  I will use Melaleuca as the example here.

  • Women are spending more on make up, beauty, gifts, chocolate. 
  • Over half are using either paper or online coupons. 
  • Household products are bought according to price. 
  • Brand still dictates what personal care/beauty products women buy.  

That means when I give a presentation about Melaleuca products I'm going to emphasize this:
  • Our personal care/beauty products line is Nicole Miller.  She's a well known fashion designer who decided she wanted safer products for her customers and teamed up with Melaleuca.
  • Our household cleaning products are concentrated and price actually turns out to be less expensive than the dollar store.  Imagine: safe, non-toxic products that are less expensive than the dollar store! 
  • Our marketplace is where you can shop online at stores like Target, Kohls, Dell,, Sears (and 70 other stores) and be guaranteed to save up to 15%!  No more cutting out coupons - just shop online and receive the discount or have the rebate sent to you.
  • We've got all kinds of great gift ideas.  What woman doesn't like to be pampered?  You can put together a great gift selection with our products! 
picture courtesy of


Fred H Schlegel said...

"Many of you are more grateful for what you have." Interesting how a downturn can turn the focus back on what has gone well for each of us personally rather than poorly. I wonder if your audience would also be receptive to the idea of 'indulging while saving.'

Deb Brown said...

Hi Fred,
I would think they would like to indulge and save! That's what my company offers -- products you already use in your home, safer, and at better prices -- isn't that a great indulgence?
As always - thanks for stopping by!