Friday, May 1, 2009

Twitter Follow2Friday Drinking Wine Challenge

I receive the Sticky Figure blog by Steve Woodruff in my email quite regularly.  On Fridays, he has expanded the twitter policy of recommending someone to follow.  Steve writes a short blog post every Friday recommending one of his followers.

This week Steve issued a challenge. He has asked that we write a blog post about which one of our Tweeple we'd like to go on a wine tasting with!  God knows I love a challenge.  I accept Steve.  

So the first thing I'm going to do is change the rules a little.  Last week I participated in follow two on friday (#follow2friday).  You recommend 2 people and then tell why you follow them.  So in this post I will write about two people I would go on a wine tasting with.

@BeckyMcCray  Becky is a small town girl with a big town attitude.  She keeps you on your toes, requires that you think smart when talking with her and is simply brilliant.  I believe we could follow the Iowa Wine Trail (with a driver of course) and solve the problems of the world along the way. 

  We'd end the tour at Townsend Winery in Hansell.  Why there?  It's owned by friends of mine and 6 miles from my house!  Vern would sit us down around his kitchen table, pour the coffee and we'd have a great discussion about the power of small town living.  Yeah, that would be a great wine tasting tour!

@BikerBar  Michael is a poet, biker (as in Harley) and physicist.  Unique combination for sure.  He and his wife have a house on an island in Upper Michigan.  He teaches physics and every morning tells us what is on the day's agenda for class.  Then he gives us a link so we can read about it.  I don't even pretend to know what he's teaching.  I do like to read about it and imagine that in another lifetime I would be educated in that field.  

Michael's twitter bio is: 
Midnight.. NO waves, NO wind.. the empty boat.. is flooded with moonlight.. Coming.. going.. the waterbirds.. don't leave a trace.. don't follow a path.. 

His twitter website listing is:  It's music to listen to while on a 1000 mile day bike tour.  

I don't know where we'd go, I only know it would be great fun!  We'd have espresso too and maybe by the end of the trip I'd know the transmission line theory.....

picture from Iowa Wine Tour website -- and I highly recommend you take the tour! 

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