Friday, August 28, 2009

Secret Meeting

'CoverCover of Every Friday

Today I had a secret meeting.

Every Friday from 1 to 3 pm I do a series on How to Green Your Home. It's conducted at The Computer Guy's store in Hampton, Iowa (my local community). I advertise it in the Franklin County News Today, on Facebook and Twitter and word of mouth. We started it last week.

Last Friday I had one person attend.

Today, I had a secret meeting. No one showed up.

Am I upset? Nope. Why not?

It's the way things work. Most advertisements have to be seen 7 times before people REALLY see it. I'm doing my job. I use facebook and twitter to help promote the series - and I post more than once. I advertise in the local free paper (I'm the editor) too. I'm working on writing several articles to peak people's interest and get them here.

I also left my house today. I talk to more people when I leave my house. I spoke to two people at the chamber office, made an appointment for Monday with a local business and will go the Farmer's Market when I leave here.

In the network marketing business, those who talk to the most people, win.
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Fred H Schlegel said...

Consistency works to get something like this going. You could also layer other ancillary activities with the concept. Tie in with a library for a discussion about a relevant book, reduce the generality of the topic ("this week Green Refrigerators"), panel up - so there's always several in the room (Then if no one shows it turns into a brainstorm for getting folks to show next month :) ) Good Luck!

Deb Brown said...

wow, great ideas! I'm going to run with that and see what we can create. Thanks!