Sunday, November 30, 2008
A Ten Year Old's Story
We are indeed blessed with our Historical Society. They do fantastic work! You can walk into the museum and be transported back in time. The one thing missing, is the individual stories. We can see the well known people of the town, and hear about their lives some. But what about the rest of us?
I live in Hampton Iowa and my business partner and I will be writing the book The Hampton Project over the course of the next year. We will be interviewing people from our community – and sharing the story about our town. Last Saturday I spoke with several people in town. Today I'm sharing an interview given by a young lady. It may not be big news – but it sure was to her!
What is your name?
Brianna Viet
How old are you?
who are your parents?
Holly and Randy
where do you live?
In Hampton, in a yellow house on the North side
So I hear you have a story for me?
It's about when I was a baby. It starts when I was 10 weeks old. I was in a baby contest. First we started out in Mason City. I got first place in the contest there. Then we had to go to Iowa City for the next one – I got 2nd place. But while there I got a hemangioma (blood clot).
We had to stop the baby contest in Iowa City and start going to the hospital.
After Iowa City we had to go to Chicago for another baby contest. While we were in Chicago, I got first place there. Then we had another competition in Chicago but we had to stop with the baby contest because the hemangioma was getting so big. It was on my neck on the right side. See? You can still see the purple mark.
Then we had to come back to Hampton and have a doctor look at it and give us another appointment in Iowa City. I was four years old by this time. Then my mom had to give me a shot in my thigh twice a day. She had a hard time giving me shots because I squirmed to much. So I didn't always get two shots. Finally it started to go away. But if I had fallen on it I would have bled to death. So it's a good thing it went away!
That's my story. I'm only ten.
Friday, November 28, 2008
My Reason Why
My sister in law baked 7 pies - one for each child and grandchild. In our family, like a lot of other families in the Midwest, love is expressed with food. "Have a cookie - you'll feel better. Let me get you something to warm up your stomach. You did good! Let's go out to eat." We've all heard some version of those statements.
I think I must really be loved - because I have packed on the pounds these past years! I could blame that on my family - always feeding me stuff I love. The real truth is quite different though - I'm the one that put the fork up to my mouth. No one forced me. Food does make me feel better - for a minute or so.
There is a tie between my lips, stomach and brain – yummy food (like mom's no bake chocolate cookies) goes in my mouth, down to my stomach and BAM memories of growing up on the farm explode into my head. I'll be 6 years old again and making those cookies in the farm kitchen with my mom. She lets me lick the pan. That sugar gets me every time. The feeling only lasts for a minute or so – and then guilt slides in. Why am I eating all this junk? It's making me fat! Do I want to stay fat?
I watched the move The Art of Travel on Tuesday. The tagline of the movie is “the art of travel is to deviate from the current plan”. Excellent movie and if you are a traveler, you must own this movie. Let me tell you what I got from this movie – and how it relates to getting in shape.
They travel to Machu Picchu towards the end of the movie. I've always wanted to travel there. The way I will go is by trekking the Inca Trail – which is a 4 day trek. It is 2400 meters above sea level. I believe I will need to be in my best physical shape to make this journey comfortably.
I had a moment of synchronicity while watching the scenes of Machu Picchu in The Art of Travel. I knew that I would go there one day. I also knew that preparing for this trip would be my new way to deviate from the plan. All other attempts at getting in shape had a final outcome in mind. That was to just look better. What's the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again hoping for a different outcome. I did all the diets in the world, lost some weight – and was never happy about the outcome.
I believe you need an objective to reach. For me, it's not just looking good. Frankly, I think I look good now! Sure, I can stand to lose a few pounds. But I do love myself the way I am now. So that objective – to look good – is not the one for me.
Travel, on the other hand – is the best objective for me. I love nothing more than getting on a plane and going somewhere. I'm the girl who didn't get tired of business travel. Frustrated, maybe – because I couldn't spend the time exploring like I wanted to!
In order to travel the Inca Trail and end of up at the home of the gods, I will need to be in my best physical shape. I'm going to take two years to achieve that goal. I will be 55 years old. My business will allow me to take a month and make that trip. I will enjoy the trip and not be exhausted at the end of each day up the mountain. I might even go to Patagonia and see the penguins!
I've found my reason why. In September, 2010 you will find me in Peru, trekking the Inca Trail and visiting Machu Picchu.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Roeder Studios
Hi Laura! Tell us a little about Roeder Studios please.
Roeder Studios specializes in what we call "digital publicity", helping individuals and businesses promote and market themselves using the web. We take a holistic look at your entire web presence which goes way beyond your website to include social networking activities, 3rd-party reviews, and online press. Our "sweet spot" is helping you to translate your core mission to an to an online strategy for maximum reach and impact.
What kind of services do you recommend for small, brick and mortar businesses?
These days the internet has replaced the yellow pages. So when people are searching for a tire shop they turn to the web. One tire shop may have a website with operating hours, directions, and a service list with pricing. They may have also used social media to encouraged their customers to write reviews of the shop, so web browsers can read real reviews from happy customers. There may be another tire shop with no web presence. Which will the customer choose?
Why would a customer spend their own time researching a tire shop with no information available online, when they have all they need to know to head to the competitor? This example illustrates why EVERY business no matter what the type needs at minimum a basic website. Beyond that, small businesses can use social media to spread their message and ensure that there is more positive information about them on the web than their local competition.
How did you get interested in this kind of work?
I was an early adopter of the internet and it has always fascinated me - its just incredible that we get to live in a time where new technology is revolutionizing the world we live in every day! The web is a powerful tool with the ability to spread a message to millions around the world instantly. However many people find the whole thing intimidating and confusing, and it does not have to be! I love to help people bridge the gap by showing them how the web can easily be used to further the core value of their business.
Would you tell us a little about yourself?
I live a block away from the beach in beautiful Venice, California! I'm an odd duck Californian because I rarely drive, I love just taking walks and bike rides around Venice and Santa Monica. I recently moved here from Chicago so the sunshine every day is still a novelty to me!
What two tips would you give the person just developing an online presence?
1. Craft your messaging then keep it consistent across your online presence. Many people sign up for the "hottest thing" (right now facebook) without any thought as to how it will further their marketing message. Write down you mission, tagline, core services, etc and make sure that you are sending a consistent message with all your online activity.
2. Your website is the core of your online presence, and nowadays almost 100% of your prospects check out your website before they initially contact you. An unnatractive website that is difficult to use is like showing up to a business meeting in rumpled pajamas! Your website matters, make sure that it represents your business in a way that makes you proud to show it off.
How can social networking/media enhance my bottom line?
Great question! One way that social media enhances your bottom line is by giving clients a way to know, like, and trust you before you ever meet. You've probably heard the old axiom that we do business with those that we know, like, and trust. Social media is a great way to accelerate that process. Before the web, we had to have several phone or face-to-face meetings with someone before we could establish a relationship. If you use social media well you will start to find clients approaching you because they have already gotten to know, like, and trust you via the web.
Any sites or books you recommend?
Everything Seth Godin has ever written, including his blog. He writes about marketing in a way that be easily translated to any medium - online or offline.
You can find Laura at She is also at as @lkr Follow her! You'll find Roeder Studios on Facebook and LinkedIn as well.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Deer Season
I topped the small hill and in a flash, there was a small doe stuck to my grill. Yes, I hit a deer. I saw her step onto the highway. If I swerved to the left, I would have hit her. If I swerved to the right, I would be in a ditch – and at night, it looked like a steep ditch. I just ran smack dab right into her. Then I put on the brakes.
My grill, framework, radiator and hood are done for. I drove the one mile home (did a U turn, prayed all the way) with screeching noises waking up all the animals in the wilds of rural Geneva. I can't open the hood, the deer bent that under. I have antifreeze on the ground. My old beloved 91 Caddy is probably going to be retired. Dang it.
I called the Sheriff's office and reported the accident. If you believe you have over $1,000 in damage you need to do that. The dispatcher told me I was the third person calling with a deer meets car call – and she had only come on at 2 pm! Because I left the scene, and the deer was off the road – they would not be coming out.
Here's the thing – the week of Veterans Day I read an article at associated content: ten tips for save driving during deer season. I remembered in that split second that I should not swerve the car, don't brake at impact and to look out for more deer. I also had my seat belt on, I always wear it. Also – be sure to keep your cell phone on your body (in a pocket, clipped to your belt, for example). A crash can throw that phone to a spot you may not be able to reach if you become injured!
by Dennis Buenger
1. Drive with extreme caution in areas where deer crossing signs have been posted.
Fyi – the average vehicle traveling 60 mph will take 300 feet before they can stop! How close are you?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Kim Dushinski - Mobile Marketer
What do you mean by mobile? Phones primarily – mobile internet, text messaging communication with your customers on their mobile device.
Why did you choose this field? I've been in marketing for 20 years or so and was looking for something new. Mobile really is the newest thing we have – and everyone now has a cell phone.
About The Book: In this practical handbook, Kim Dushinski offers easy-to-follow advice for firms that want to interact with mobile users, build stronger customer relationships, reach a virtually unlimited number of prospects, and gain competitive advantage by making the move to mobile now. If your organization wants to reach mobile device users—locally, nationally, or within a specific demographic niche — The Mobile Marketing Handbook will help you put your message in the palms of their hands.
You can contact Keri at Kaleidoscope 641-456-2787 and have her order the book for you. Or just visit and order online, free shipping!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Do You Know The New Rules?
I had the opportunity to interview David Meerman Scott this week. It was a quick interview, filled with a lot of information. David is the author of several books including The New Rules of Marketing and PR, Tuned In, Cashing in With Content and Eyeball Wars. David's background includes Vice President of marketing at NewsEdge Corporation and marketing director for Knight Ridder. He's written over 100 magazine articles and 3 books. He is an expert in thought leadership and a viral marketing strategist.
So maybe you want to branch out from traditional marketing and try this online marketing approach. David sent me these New Rules for marketing and PR.
The New Rules of Marketing and PR:
·Marketing is more than just advertising.
·PR is for more than just a mainstream media audience.
·You are what you publish.
·People want authenticity, not spin.
·People want participation, not propaganda.
·On the web, the lines between marketing and PR have blurred.
·Instead of causing one-way interruption, marketing is about delivering content at just the precise moment your audience needs it.
·Marketers must shift their thinking from mainstream marketing to the masses to a strategy of reaching vast numbers of under served audiences via the Web.
·PR is not about your boss seeing your company on TV. It’s about your buyers seeing your company on the Web.
·Marketing is not about your agency winning awards. It’s about your organization winning business.
·The Internet has made public relations public again, after years of almost exclusive focus on media.
·Companies must drive people into the purchasing process with great online content.
·Blogs, podcasts, e-books, news releases, and other forms of online content let organizations communicate directly with buyers in a form they appreciate
What are some forms of online thought leadership?
Direct to buyer news releases
E-mail newsletters
Research and survey reports
White papers
A content rich Web site
Video content (vodcasts, and vlogs
I've started using some of these techniques. My customers all receive weekly email newsletters, I blog at You can visit two of my websites at and
I recommend you visit his site at See what will work for you. Then get started!
Monday, November 17, 2008
It's Just A Conversation
This article is to share with you different ways to talk to people about what you do. Some network marketers are looking for 'secrets' to involving more people in their business. There is no secret formula, just work. No one gets anything for free (there is no free lunch – first rule of economics).
You know, we were the same way. I was thinking about getting a second job to help our budget, but then we started a little home based business. I know lots of people who have developed a second income in a very short time. Ours is already growing and it’s easier than getting another job. No commuting, daycare, gas, lunch out and such, and I get to stay home. If you like I’ll come over and share with you what I am doing, or if it is easier I can actually do a visual presentation right on your computer, which would work best for you?”
“I know how you feel. We recently joined a great consumer discount company that is helping. They offer savings on every household product and on long-distance telephone services, prescriptions, dental and vision care and more. If you are interested in savings for your family I would be happy to share it with you. When would be a good time?”
Hey, we found some fabulous natural, non-toxic products we can buy wholesale, direct from the factory. They’re more effective, completely safe for our family, the planet and save us money every single month. Are you interested?”
Response to use when talking to a good friend:
"I’ve started a new business. I’m an executive with a marketing company that markets environmentally safe products. It’s fabulous, I’d love to tell you all about it some time, but right now I have to run. Why don’t I call you and we’ll get together? What’s your number and the best time to reach you?”
“You know, it’s getting tougher and tougher to make it on 1 income, but we want one of us to be able to stay home with the kids. We recently started a business that lets us work at home to earn a second income. Does this sound like something that would be a solution for you?
“You know, you have given us such excellent service. Can I ask you a questioned you getting paid what you’re worth here? I have a business I think you’d love and be great at. It’s the best part-time business I have seen. It will pay you what you are really worth. When would we be able to meet for coffee so I can share the details with you and see if this makes sense to you like it did for us?
"I am not a head hunter, I’m a recruiter and I am looking for misplaced achievers. I’m not sure how I got your card. We are expanding our business in our area. WE are looking for people who are people centered. I’m not asking you to join anything. I’m just asking you to take a look at what I am doing. We’re not after investors –we are looking for personality – the successfully discontent."
(free speech poster from
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Five Things
Dominic Evans is important. Dominic has dived into the social media pool and is learning to swim. Chris believes it's really all about helping out the other guy. Chris is truly a golden rule kind of guy. He is one of my heroes. Chris, who didn't know me from Adam, spent some time doing an interview with me for my paper. It wasn't until it was published that I realized just how busy Chris is. And he took time out for me, one of those new swimmers out there with Dominic.
Lesson for today: pay attention and help somebody else. You never know when a smile, an 'atta boy', a compliment, can make a difference in somebody's life. It's not all about you.
With the object in mind to find out new things about me so we can make a connection, here are my five things you may not know about me. (I'm doing the sales edition, like Chris did).
1.I look up words in the dictionary. I need to know the origin of the word. One year of Latin in high school taught me this valuable trick. If you know the origin of the word, you'll never forget it. Meme (rhymes with dream) – a relatively new word. Oxford zoologist Richard Dawkins used it in 1976 in his book The Selfish Gene. Meme consists of any unit of cultural information, such as a practice or idea, that gets transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another (wikipedia).
2.I was a bartender in a neighborhood bar in Chicago in my youth. I believe that if everyone bartended for six months in a blue collar bar, this would be a better run world. If you can handle drunks with money, you can handle any sales position. You learn what people like, you learn how to talk to them, you get to see what alcohol and drugs can really do to a person, you listen to a lot of stories and learn to empathize, you look for the good in people. If we all just looked for the good in people, our experience of living on this planet would change. Really.
4. I worked in corporate America (insurance underwriting) for a number of years. I thought I would die. Hated it. I was good at it, but I hated the environment. Everyone sat in cubicles (some were bigger cubicles, they called them offices). You had to go down 34 floors to breath outside air. Your opinion really didn't matter. You were just a little robot. Doing the same useless thing day after day. I went into retail management – I managed a luggage store. Took at 50% paycut. I thrived! I got to talk to people all day, help them make decisions that mattered to them. Within in a year I had replaced my previous salary. I was back in my element. You won't find me in an office anymore – that is just not who I am.
Follow Dominic Evans at @DominickEvans Visit his website He might tell you your future. All kudos to Chris Brogan, see his blog at I promise it's addictive. Enjoy.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
How Are You Affected by Environmental Stress?
We are the first generation to grow up with such extremely high levels of chemicals in our homes. And what do we do with them? We see and use them. We disinfect our baby's rooms with them, we clean up with them, we smear them on our skin, we wash our clothes in them and wear them all day and sleep in them all night. We don't question whether they are safe. We trust that if the grocery story sells the product – it is safe.
According to the U.S. National Research Council, no information on toxic effects is available for 79% of the more than 48,500 synthetic chemicals listed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Fewer than one fifth have been tested for acute effects, and fewer than one-tenth for chronic, reproductive or mutagenic effects.
The health in our nation is not looking good. We are seeing allergies, birth defects, ADD, migraines, asthma, Alzheimer’s, cancers of every kind and the list goes on. According to the Toxic Substances Strategy Committee, 80-90% of cancers are triggered by exposure to hazardous substances in the environment. This was reported in 1980. So why are we still using all of these toxic products?
Did you know?
- In 1901, cancer was rare: 1 out of 8,000. Since the Industrial Revolution, the cancer rate today has risen to 1 in 3 and soon, it will be 1 in 2. (Source: The American Cancer Society)
Toxic chemicals found in homes are, on average three times more likely to cause cancer than outdoor airborne pollutants. EPA Study
According to a Consumer Product Safety Commission study, 150 chemicals commonly found in our homes are directly connected to allergies, birth defects, cancer, and psychological disorders.
The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health analyzed 2,983 chemicals used in personal care products and found 884 of them to be toxic. Some even caused mutigenic changes.
50% of all illness is due to poor indoor air quality (State of Massachusetts Study)
The United States of America Federal Code of Regulations exempts manufacturers from full labeling of products if used for personal, family or household care. (Source USA FCR: Section 1910.1200C, Title 29, Section 1500.82 2Q1A)
Women who work in the home have a 54% higher death rate from cancer than women who work outside of the home. (Source: 17- year EPA study)
Cancer is now the #2 killer of children - second only to accidental poisonings. Since 1977 the rate of cancer among American children has been steadily rising at a rate of nearly 1% each year. (Source: National Cancer Institute)
In one decade, there has been a 42% increase in asthma (29% for men, 82% for women). The higher rate for women is believed to be due to women’s longer exposure times to household chemicals. (Source: Center for Disease Control)
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) in adults and children is also rising - in 1993; 4.5 million children took the drug Ritalin so they could sit still long enough to learn. By 1998, 11.4 million children were being drugged with this powerful Class-2 narcotic. (Source: Your Children and Ritalin, The Detroit News (March 8. 1998) See also
Scary statistics, huh? What is even scarier (to me) is the fact that there are simple steps we can take – and most people don't 'want to be bothered'.
There is a simple first step everyone can take. Start using safer cleaners in your home. Get rid of the bleach and cleaners with formaldehyde. Use products that have no dye, phosphates, ammonia, abrasives, aerosol propellants and other harsh ingredients. Buy green.
I market for an environmentally responsible company that manufactures products right here in the U.S. Melaleuca's products are safer for you and your home. They meet all of the above requirements and are more cost effective than name brand products. Contact me for more information or visit my website
My company is not the only one – there are lots of better companies out there where you can buy safer products. Watkins, Shaklee – just to name a couple! Do a search and see what is out there. Talk to you friends, see what they are doing. Call me and let's talk. But for God's sake – do something!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Keith Burtis, wood turner
I understand you are doing a fundraiser for the SPCA. Tell me more! Yes, my first annual fund raiser for the SPCA. I am running the fund raiser through the first of January (Maybe longer......shhhh) and I will be giving 10% of 100% of my earnings through woodturning that I make to the SPCA. I have a best friend that hangs out with me in my shop on a daily basis. He is a Dalmatian named Saber and I got him from the SPCA. I think as an artist and as a human I like to give back. I have become sort of known as the guy who will make a piece for donation or auction for a worthy cause. However, the majority of the charities that I give to are human centric. I wanted to give back and possibly save the life or fund medication for an animal in need.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Angels All Around Us
Samantha's owner is not a nice person. It's not that she beat Sammie – she just didn't pay her any attention. She let her nails grow too long and she didn't give Sammie baths. It also looks like she didn't feed her too much. Samantha's owner lives just around the corner from Erin, and she is a 'goth girl'. Her boyfriend overdosed a couple of months ago on heroin (and died) and we are pretty sure she's got that problem too. So her main interest is not in her dog – it is in the drug she is addicted too.
Wednesday night around 8 p.m. Samantha's owner opened the front door of her building and Samantha was let out. Amy was out walking her dog Phoebe and she saw this transpire. Samantha walked around the corner and sat down in front of Erin and Amy's building. You see, this is a rather unique apartment building on the North side of Chicago. First of all, they allow dogs and cats in the building. Second of all, the majority of the animals in the building are rescued animals. Samantha must have had the idea that she would be safe in front of that building.
Amy watched the dog for a couple of hours – and she noticed no one was coming to get Samantha. Finally, Amy called the police. The police were kind, but unfortunately, there was nothing they could do. They did say if she stayed there, they would call Animal Control in the morning (they work from 8 to 4). If they did that, Animal Control would euthanize the dog immediately.
By this time, many of the pet owners in the building were outside. A plan had to be made! There was no way this lovely dog would be abandoned to only be killed the next day. Amy sent her dog Phoebe (a golden retriever) on a sleepover with Fez (a New Foundland). Amy then took Samantha home with her. Another resident donated a crate for Samantha to sleep in. Food was also donated and Sammie ate 3 bowls of food immediately, poor thing was starving!
The next day Erin went to Samantha's building and spoke to the caretaker. He told her that Samantha probably is goth girls dog – but that goth girl had thrown away all of Sammie's bowls the night before. Erin took Sammie over to Scrub your Pup at 2935 North Clark St in Chicago. They bathed her, paid extra special attention to her and made her feel loved. Scrub Your Pup also donated a portion of the care they gave to Sammie. They also pointed out to Erin that Sammie's paw was infected and that she had an ear infection, most likely.
That night Sammie spent the night with Amy again. Just so happens that Amy's brother is in town and staying with her. He's in medical school and he looked at Sammie's paw really good. He also declared that she really needed help, her paw was probably infected.
Please send donations for Samantha's care to:
Needy Animal Fund
Family Pet Animal Hospital
1401 West Webster Ave
Chicago, IL 60614
You can also contact Erin Criss for updates on Samantha, or if you have questions. Her number is 773-296-1781 and her email is
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
A Life Story
A Short Life Story by Ben During Jr.
Coming to America
Mom and Dad came over from Germany in November 1922. It took 3 weeks, and dad was sick all the way over. Jean was 2 and Lena was only 2 months old. They were sponsored by Tinis Johnson in Alexander ( a distance cousin). I don't know how much it cost. Deb, my daughter, remembers Dad saying they were burning money in Germany to stay warm – it wasn't worth anything. They came in through Ellis Island. They took the train to Hampton Iowa. Tinus must have met them there. On the train was a black man, who was a porter. He would come and get the two girls fresh milk. Dad said if he'd had the money, he would have gone right back. Dad was in the German army for four years. He fought in the first world war. He was gassed there, and he always had headaches his whole life. He was told this was the land of opportunity and they would be better off here.
I was born in 1931 – certainly a last minute thought! I'm also the only son. I had a lot to live up to.
In The Fields
We rode the haywagon during thrashing time. We went from farm to farm with 8,9 or 10 guys. My Dad was the straw stacker. The straw after it came out of the oats went into a big pile and he had to make sure it did not flop all over. We did this east of Geneva – I was in middle school.
We used to go in the haymow and slide on the bare floor. One time as I took a slide I ran a sliver clear up my foot. That sure hurt!
I once got under the tractor when my Dad was plowing and he ran over me – and it broke my pelvic bone. I didn't walk for a long time and was lucky to be alive. My friend Pat said she went to see me and I was all blue and my eyes were bulged out. That happened in 7th or 8th grade.
The cow had 4 teats and you pulled on two at a time. When you are done you go to the next one. You would take the bucket out from between the cows back legs. It was my job to milk the cows.
Dad didn't care if I went out at night – just as long as I was there to milk in the morning. We had 32 cows. Dad fed the hogs, Mom feed the calves.
It took me a little more than an hour to milk the cows. I started about 4 a.m. They all had to have feed too – ground corn. I milked again at night.
Chickens and Pigs
My Mom was a good chicken lady. She had around 1000 little chicks that were raised and brought into production – they were good egg layers. She would gather eggs two or three times a day.. they had several roosters with the hens and the roosters would mate with the female and then the egg the female laid would be fertile. The fertile eggs would be hatched. A hen would lay one egg a day, and rarely after 4 p.m. If the hen clucked, it was fertile! My brother in law Leonard picked up the eggs and they were taken to Austinville. My folks bought groceries with her egg money. He would come every Wed and they would have 30 cases (144 eggs in a case) for him. They would get paid 20 cents, maybe a little more for each case. Her check each week might be $30.
When the hogs farrowed (went into labor), nobody got in the barns but her. She would sit up nights with them when they farrowed. She would sit on a bale of hay or stray and just wait til they started. If they had trouble she could help. She might have to pull the babies out. Dad was in the house, probably sleeping!
Mom's main meal was: meat, potatoes, gravy, green beans and applesauce. She never made salads – maybe coleslaw or cooked cabbage once in a while. You eat cabbage and poop kale – that was one of Mom's sayings. She made kale, turnips too. She brought the seed from Germany to plant German beans. Every year she would put back enough seed to plant the next year. It was the size of a lima bean and tasted like that too – they were a big round brown bean. They grow in a row. The plant grew straight up like a green bean, except they were taller. Mom and Dad loved German beans and kale!
Dad would eat the fat off of meat – it was really good to him. Mom would make navy beans and cook them with fat. Bean soup was kidney beans, onion, potatoes and meat. You ate it on a plate. Mmmm. Mom made rutabagas and would smash them like potatoes. She also smashed carrots and potatoes together.
After Shirley and I were married, Mom had fruit for dessert. Jean would come over in the summer and help her can peaches and pears. They bought the peaches at the store- Colorado peaches. Mom would make lemon meringue pie – that was the only dessert she made. It was made from real lemons, not pudding.
Mom would have capons (castrated rooster). That was one of my jobs, castrating the roosters – you don't want to know any more than that! They would grow up to be 9 or 10 pounds. They were really good.
Groceries they had to buy were: meat, bread, sugar, butter, flour. We used to make butter in a churn.
Dad never got out of bed until Mom brought him tea. He would drink it in bed and then get up. In the winter he wore a night hat. They would then go out and do chores and then come back in and have breakfast.
Mom had a habit of hiding money. She would hide it in dresser drawers, in her purse, in a container on a shelf. She would shop from the catalog every fall and spring. She bought all clothes from mostly Montgomery Ward. Sears later on. We never bought our clothes in town – only from the catalog.
Monday, November 3, 2008
November - Pet Cancer Awareness Month
-Abnormal swellings that persist or continue to grow
-Weight loss
Neoplasia is the uncontrolled, abnormal growth of cells or tissues in the body, and the abnormal growth itself is called a neoplasm or tumor. It can be benign or malignant. Benign neoplasms do not grow aggressively, do not invade the surrounding body tissues, and do not spread throughout the body. Malignant neoplasms, on the other hand, tend to grow rapidly, invade the tissues around them, and spread, or metastasize to other parts of the body.
Skin – skin tumors are more common in dogs than cats. However in cats they are often malignant.
Mammary Gland - ½ of all breast tumors in dogs and over 85% in cats are malignant. Spay your female cat before she's a year old and help reduce her risk.
Head and Neck – More common in dogs than cats – look for mass or tumor on the gums, bleeding, odor, or difficulty eating.
Lymphoma – this is a common form in both dogs and cats. Look for an enlargement of the lymph node. A contagious feline leukemia virus can be the cause of lymphoma in cats.
Abdominal – weight loss or swelling are the signs here. This Neoplasia is common, but hard to detect early.
Bone – more common in large breed dogs and dogs older than 7 years and rarely in cats. The leg bones near the joints are the most common spot. Look for lameness, persistent pain, and swelling.
Neoplasia is frequently treatable. Early diagnosis will aid your vet in giving the best care possible.
If your vet determines your pet has cancer, send him to The Pet Cancer Foundation is an independent, non-profit effort established to provide you, as a dog or cat owner, with a resource for learning about your pet’s cancer, receiving a free consultation with a cancer specialist and being informed of the available treatment options in partnership with your veterinarian. The foundation is sponsored by Pets Best Insurance, working to better the lives of pets and pet owners.
I want to thank Michelle Trent from twitter who pointed me in this direction. Johann the dog is a great blogger and deserves all the kudos! Visit his blog (see below) and vote for him for best animal blog. My three cats; Twin, Bandit and Stutz Bearcat thank you!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Child As The Caregiver
Who ever thought I'd be the one taking care of my parents? I know I didn't think so. Yet, here I am – in my 50's and I'm the mom now. My dad has a bad heart, it only works at 20%. On top of that he is in the beginning stages of Alzheimer's. My mom just recovered from kidney failure, is hard of hearing and can't take care of my dad all by herself. I have a brother who lives right across the street from them, but he's got his own family to take care – kids and grandkids. He works all day in a factory and frankly, he's shot by the end of the day. I live two miles away on the farm. My husband works in Chicago and gets home when he can – not often enough.
I work from home. It is often misconstrued that I don't work at all. How can sitting on the computer and on the phone in the comfort of your living room be considered working? This is the discussion I used to have with my father. He's a retired farmer. Work involves leaving your house. He just couldn't understand what it was that I did.
Often my work can be done anywhere – as long as I have my phone and my laptop. That's why I'm the designated one to take my folks on their myriad of doctors appointments. I'm also the designated driver for long trips. This week we go to South Dakota for a funeral. I make the hotel arrangements, doctors appointments, follow up calls, calls to church members for events my mom is involved in, calls to family members for updates – I do all the calling. Both mom and dad wear hearing aids and the telephone is no longer their friend.
I take mom and dad on working trips with me. I recruit and set up accounts for an Inc. 500 company that provides non-toxic products to consumers. It often involves traveling to make presentations. It's good for them to be involved in what I do. I'm able to pay my mom for her time. She feels useful. Any day spent walking in any way is good for my dad.
I'm also the ears when they need someone to listen to the experts. We have farm business, house business and church business where my hearing is needed. I also help fill out legal paperwork, conduct banking business and ensure their doctors are kept abreast of what is going on.
I don't know what the future will hold. I do know I read a lot about how to take care of the caregiver. Apparently, depression and isolation are two things that happen often when the child becomes the caregiver. It's very important that I do have a life of my own, outside of their care. I volunteer with the Democratic party and the Historical Society. I write – my blog, for a newsletter and personal projects.